ELLIS Online workshop on QPhML on 6-8 July 2020

"ELLIS workshop on Quantum and Physics based Machine Learning”
6-8 July 2020
We are organizing a workshop on Quantum and Physics based Machine Learning on 6-8 July. See https://ellisqphml.github.io/qphml2020.
During this 3 day meeting we bring together excellent research mainly from Europe, with some non-European contributions.
The meeting will focus on a number of topics that link machine learning and physics, such as
1) Physical model systems and out-of-equilibrium theory for machine learning computation
2) Theory of Quantum ML
3) Applications of ML in quantum and complex classical physical systems.
This meeting is part of our QPhML Ellis program: https://ellisqphml.github.io
The meeting is open to everyone who is interested. You can attend this workshop through zoom (free registration at https://ellisqphml.github.io/registration2020). The meeting will also be streamed through youtube.
We are looking forward to this exciting meeting!
Best wishes
Bert Kappen
Riccardo Zecchina